The 90 Years of Jean Simmons Blogathon is here!

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Oh, joy! After months waiting for this blogging event to arrive, we can now celebrate the lovely Jean Simmons who would have been 90 years old next January 31. The blogathon honouring her starts today, January 29 and will end on the 31. To host, I’m joined by the wonderful Laura from Phyllis Loves Classic Movies. This is the first blogathon we are hosting together, and I surely hope it won’t be the last!

Jean Simmons conquered England first and then charmed North American. She proved us two be an accomplished and classy actress making her totally worthy of a blogging event. I’m honestly very impatient to read all your articles! Some of you have posted them a bit in advance, but I wanted to wait for the blogathon to begin to start reading them. I won’t lie to you, it was hard to resist!


So, when your article is ready, please take the time to submit either here or on Laura’s post. Make sure also to link this post to your blog and not the announcement post. The only reason being that the announcement post won’t lead the readers to the article written for the blogathon itself, but only on the main blog.

Be glad to know that your articles will be shared both on Twitter and on my Jean Simmon’s Facebook group! I give myself the mission to find you some good readers!

So, without further ado, here we go!

The lovely entries


The great Patricia from Caftan Woman explores Jean Simmons’ mysterious role in ‘Mirror, Mirror On the Wall‘, an episode of Murder She Wrote.


We continue our journey in the tv world with Rich from Wide Screen World portrayal of Jean Simmons’s role in Star Trek episode ‘The Drumhead‘.


Maddy from Maddy Loves Her Classic Films wrote an impassionate review of the mysterious Footsteps in the Fog, a film you surely have to see!


Ruth from Silver Screenings tells us all about the complex but fascinating roles of Jean Simmons and Burt Lancaster in the controversial Elmer Gantry.


We have another article on Footsteps in the Fog, this time written by Rob from Movie Rob who believes in the film’s worthy aspects but tells us it’s is not perfect either!


Andrew over at The Stop Button tells us his honest opinion about The Happy Ending, a film with many flaws but with a great performance by Jean!


Brittaney, The Story Enthusiast, make us discover one of Jean’s lesser-known films: All the Way Home.


Mike from Mike’s Take on the Movies reveals Jean’s beauty through the sharing of photos and posters in this visual blog post!


Gill from Real Weegiemidget Reviews makes us discover the intriguing Dominique, a suspenseful story starring Jean Simmons and Cliff Robertson.


And we have another great and informative review of Elmer Gantry, this time written by Rebecca from Taking Up Room!


Silver Scenes make us discover ‘Sanatorium’, a segment of the film Trio starring a young and lovely Jean Simmons.


Quiggy at The Midnite Drive-In take us on an island with his review of the second film adaptation of The Blue Lagoon.


I, here at The Wonderful World of Cinema, celebrate Jean with a tribute to this lady who means a lot to me!


For his second contribution to the event, Rob from MovieRob also explore The Happy Ending and tell us more about Jean’s Oscar nominate performance.


Letícia from Crítica Retrô tells us about Jean as a modern woman in Hilda Crane, a film that deserves to be better know.


Erica at Poppity Talks Classic Films gives us a well-detailed review of Affair With A Stranger, the first of four collaborations between Jean and Victor Mature.


Sally at 18 Cinema Lane tells us what she likes and doesn’t like about Howl’s Moving Castle, an animated film where Jean contributed as a voice actress!


For their second contribution to the blogathon, The Metzinger Sisters  from Silver Scenes review The Egyptian, an epic film that deserved a better success.


Gabriela from Pale writer wrote a lovely review about Guys & Dolls, a film that presents us Jean’s talent for singing and comedy!


Hamlette’s Soliloquy revisits the stunning The Big Country, a memorable western starring Jean Simmons.


Robin at Pop Culture Reverie presents a complex and very informative analysis of the Dark Shadows revival.


For her second article, Gabriela from Pale Writer shares her thoughts on the very underrated This Could Be the Night.

I will add your entry to the list as you submit it. 🙂

Many thanks to all the participants and to my co-host Laura! Without you, this blogathon wouldn’t have happened. I’m sure Jean would have been honoured!

I hope to see you soon at the Arthur Kennedy Blogathon!

Yes, that’s Jean!