Many Thanks to the Participants of the 3rd Wonderful Grace Kelly Blogathon


I must admit, I first hesitated to host this blogathon again this year, but I’m glad I did because I read some excellent entries written by the participants. Grace Kelly is one of those personalities who highly deserves to be celebrated, who deserves to be honoured with a blogathon.

With their marvelously written work, the participants showed a beautiful admiration and respect for the graceful lady. If she was alive, I’m sure Grace would have been pleased by what she would have read.


I didn’t have many participants as I usually have in my other blogathons, but I think here we had the perfect example of “quality over quantity”.

If you haven’t read the entries yet, please do so. You won’t regret it. Here is the link:

The 3rd Wonderful Grace Kelly Blogathon

And since there aren’t many articles, you don’t have any excuses not to read them all! Haha!

And thanks again to the participants. Without you, there wouldn’t be any blogathon!

See you next year, I hope! 🙂
