The Wonderful World of Cinema Celebrates Its Third Anniversary!


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Three years ago, I started what would become one of my main passions: blogging.

Three years ago, I introduced my blog by presenting you my 10 most favourite films of all times.

Three years ago, Theresa from CineMaven’s Essays From the Couch was the first one to welcome me in the blogging world (thanks!)


Many will tell you, once you start blogging, it’s very difficult to stop! Many elements make it an amazing activity: the blogathons, watching classic films (if you write a classic movie blog like me and many of my fellow bloggers), the likes and kind comments from your readers, etc.

Three years after I started this blog, I am now happy to have ALMOST 200 followers (197 *sight*…). And I almost have 300 posts published here!

So so so, I’m mostly making this post to thanks all those who are reading my blog and/or following me. I wouldn’t be very far without you!

Happy anniversary to my blog! 🙂
