Announcing the Third Golden Boy Blogathon: A William Holden Centenary Celebration

Next April, we will celebrate the wonderful William Holden’s centenary. And, as you know, I’m a big fan of him and want to make things big for the occasion.

So, I invite you all to participate The Third Golden Boy Blogathon: A William Holden Centenary Celebration! This year, things will be different as I join forces with my blogger friends Michaela from Love Letters to Old Hollywood and Emily from The Flapper Dame. Who said millennials didn’t like “old” actors. 😉 Anyway, I am so honoured these fine ladies accepted to help with for this event!

Here are the steps and rules for you if you want to participate in the blogathon:

1- Choose a subject. It can be anything related to William Holden, but don’t forget that our objective is to honour him.

  • Because we want as many participants as possible for this special edition of the blogathon, we will allow duplicates, but not more than two people on the same subject!
  • We allow you to write a maximum of two entries.

2- Please submit your subject here in the comments or on Emily‘s blog or Michaela‘s. Tell us your topic, the name of your blog, plus its URL.

3- Once your subject is confirmed, grab one of these beautiful banners and include it on your blog in order to help us promote the blogathon. These were designed by Michaela and we LOVE them!

Golden Boy banner_Stalag 17

Golden Boy banner_Sabrina

Golden Boy banner_Holden in color

Golden Boy banner_Holden in black and white

Golden Boy banner_Country Girl

Golden Boy banner_Picnic

Golden Boy banner_Golden Boy

4- The blogathon will start on April 15 and will end on April 17, 2018. Michaela will host the first day (15), Emily will host the second day, and I’ll host the last one (17). Please, make sure to have your entries ready on time!

5- On the blogathon dates, each one of us will update a new post where you will be able to submit your entry.

Please help us spread the word about the blogathon. Talk about it to your blogger friends, share it on various social media, etc. We want to have as many participants as possible. Golden Holden deserves this honour!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!


To guide you… Subjects already claimed twice

  • Picnic (1955)
  • Paris When It Sizzles (1964)
  • Stalag 17 (1953)
  • Sunset Boulevard (1950)

Here are the participating blogs and their subjects!


We are all very impatient for this event to start! For some entertainment, I invite you to watch my fun video trailer announcing Bill’s centenary.


See you in April!

– If you are interesting to make a donation to the William Holden Wildlife Foundation fund created by Stephanie Powers in 1982, please click here. This can be another way to please our golden boy!

85 thoughts on “Announcing the Third Golden Boy Blogathon: A William Holden Centenary Celebration

  1. Yay I’ve enjoyed participating in this blogathon the past 2 years, so of course I’d like to join in for the big centenary!

    I’d like to write about his work in the 3 movies he was Oscar-nominated for: Sunset Blvd., Stalag 17, and Network.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m primarily a sports blogger, but I’m also a classic film guy. That’s why I do a series called “Sports Analogies Hidden In Classic Movies.” I’m proposing an installment in that series where the JJ Sefton character from Stalag 17 had lived today, he would be the ultimate “show me the money” sports agent.


  3. Title – Sports Analogies Hidden In Classic Movies – Volume X: Stalag 17″ That’s how all posts in that series are titled. My excerpt would be something like “How William Holden was the world’s first big-time sports agent.” The theme is JJ Sefton is a guy who will do business with anybody, which make a lot of people think he’s a scumbag, but at the end of the day, he does a lot of good things for a lot of people.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey Virginie. Could you put me back down on the roster for topic to be decided. I said I would do a life profile, but I’m not going to have the time to write a lengthy article on his life. I would have resumed my journalism studies by then. Plus, things are a lot more hectic now that I’m living with my boyfriend back interstate where I’m from. I will come up with something that won’t take as long.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Virginie. I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to take part in this blogathon anymore. If anyone else wants to write about Sabrina they can do now. So sorry.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Hi Virginie. I’m really sorry but I have to bow out of this blogathon. My journalism lecturer has just sent me a whole stack of assignments to complete. All assignments have to be in by the end of the month, but because I’m going on a cruise on the 24th, I only have a week to complete about five or six assignments. This is very very tough, but if I can’t get them all done, I will have to re-enroll in the last five modules, which is not really a issue. Also, due to the huge strain that I’m under with my studies, I’ve been stressing out and I’m suffering from headaches yet again.


  7. Hi Virginie! I’m hoping to do a last minute post on Rachel and the Stranger (1948). I just have to finish a post that was due Saturday first…

    Liked by 1 person

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