Announcing The 2nd Golden Boy Blogathon: a William Holden Celebration!


Hey there!

I’m so happy to announce that The Golden Boy Blogathon: a William Holden Celebration will be back again this year! William Holden is my second favourite actor and I truly enjoyed celebrating him via this blog last year. It was quite a success and everybody wrote marvellous pieces! So, it obviously had to be back! 🙂

Everybody is welcomed to participate. The event will take place from April 15 to April 17 (on Bill’s birthday), 2017.

As usual, there are some simple rules to follow:

1- Choose your subject. It can be anything related to William Holden. Please, no duplicates. William Holden had a long and beautiful career, so there are plenty of ideas. Of course, if you want to write something very personal like a tribute on why you love him (like I did last year), I can allow duplicates, because it’s a very vague topic. You can write more than one entry, but I would prefer you to limit yourself to two, precisely to give the chance to others to write about a topic they love (as I don’t allow duplicates).

2- Submit your subject by commenting on this post. You can also submit it via email at, Twitter @Ginnie_SP or via The Wonderful World of Cinema’s Facebook Page. Give me the name of your blog, the URL, and your topic.

3- Once your choice has been confirmed, please grab one of these banners to help me promote the event on your blog. The more the merrier! 🙂






4- On twitter, use the following hashtag: #2GoldenBoyBlogathon

5- On the blogathon dates, April 15, 16 and 17, 2017, I will publish a new post where you’ll be able to submit your entries. You can also send them via email, Facebook or Twitter.

6- If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. And enjoy yourself! 🙂

Here is the roster :


Once again, let’s make him smile! 🙂 That smile! ❤


57 thoughts on “Announcing The 2nd Golden Boy Blogathon: a William Holden Celebration!

  1. GINNIE! YOU KNOW I CAN’T PASS THIS UP- Sign me up for Apartment For Peggy (1948) – I love that movie and Bill is adorable in it- as always!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So glad this is back this year, I really enjoyed participating in the first one! This time around I’d like to write an overview of the 9 films Bill starred in that got Oscar nominated for Best Picture, just to sort of encapsulate how great his career was over a 35+ year time span. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Finally, an excuse to get around to a movie I’ve been neglecting for way too long…”The Horse Soldiers”. (yes, uncanny as it sounds, there are actually a few John Wayne movies I haven’t seen yet…)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I was so sad when I had to drop out of this last year — yay for a second chance! Could I please take Paris When It Sizzles? I didn’t get to do it last time and I’d still love to write about it.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is such a great idea! William Holden is one of my favorites too. I’d love to write about Stalag 17, as I’ve been wanting to see it for a while and this would be the perfect opportunity! Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Virginie. I’d love to take part in this. I’m a new blogger, so this would be my first ever blogathon. I see so many of the titles I was hoping to write about have sadly already been bagged, so could I write about William as an actor and discuss some of his films/performances that are the most special to me? Maddy

    Liked by 2 people

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