10 Things I Love and Hate About Movie Blogging


I had the idea of doing this yesterday. Because I feel like complaining, I guess, here are five things I hate about movie blogging (or blogging in general), but because I’m also addicted to blogging, here are also five things I love about it. There isn’t any real purpose to that, but I’m sure some of you can relate to some of these things, and it’s been a long time since I haven’t written something that wasn’t for a blogathon (aside from my numerous top lists).

Ok, here we go!

First, let’s get rid of the complaints…


1- Summarize a film:


Honestly, I never really liked that. While some bloggers describe the movie from A to Z in order to give and in-depth analysis of it (and that is perfectly fine),  the objective of my blog mostly is to explain why I love a movie and convince people to see it. So, obviously, I would not tell the whole story (but a few exceptions, if you look at my analysis of Marlon Brando’s character in The Men).  So, a small synopsis is in order. The problem comes when the movie is kind of complicated and I feel like I have to tell a lot, so people will understand what it is about, but, in a way, I don’t want to tell too much either. A real dilemma, but there are things worse than that in life!

2- When you work hard on an article, but nobody reads it


I know, it’s impossible to read every blog article ever written, even I don’t do so! But I know we all feel a bit disappointed when, after working hours on an article and thinking it’s pretty good, we receive barely any comment or no like (because, yeah, I guess there are people who read the articles without commenting or liking them, but, at this point, they are a bit like ghosts). If you feel like there’s one of your articles that deserves more recognition, please share it in the comment section and it will be my pleasure to read it! Here is one of mine: A Patch of Blue: When One Sees With the Heart

3- Having a writer’s block


This doesn’t often happen to me, but it sometimes does, most likely on blogathon seasons. I sometimes subscribe to a blogathon with some movie as a subject, but when the time comes to write about that film, well, I realise that, despite liking the movie, I haven’t much to write about it or I’m not motivated enough. This doesn’t happen often, but here is an example: When Cary Grant Became Invisible… Topper (1937). Luckily, we have the Buster Keaton Blogathon hosted by Lea from Silent-Ology: I always have a ton of things to say about Buster Keaton’s films!

4- Correcting


While writing the article and choosing pictures for it is a real entertainment (otherwise I wouldn’t be blogging…), the correction always is the boring part. The main reason is the fact that English is my second language. Well, I’m going to an English university, so I’m obviously writing much more often in English than French now, but it still remains my second language and my French writing is still better than my English one. So, the job is obviously harder, especially with long texts. I try as much as possible to write articles without mistakes by using correcting tools and all this, but I know I’m missing a lot of them and it will probably be the case for this article too… And believe me, I do spend considerable time correcting.  I, by the way, want to thank most of my faithful readers for always having been indulgent on that level.

5- When Blogathons hosts don’t read your article


Ok, it doesn’t make me as angry as Jack (!), but I guess it had to come out. If you host a blogathon, I think it’s your duty to read all the entries. It’s just common sense. Luckily, I rarely encountered such cases. By the way, if I have ever forgotten (because believe me, it would have been purely unintentional) to read one of the articles you submitted for one of my blogathons, please consider that I feel really bad about it, that I offer you my sincere apologies, that I’ll go hide myself with shame, and that I invite you to share the article in the comment section. 😉


1- “Meeting” people with whom I share common interests


And that is movies. I put “meeting” in inverted commas because I mostly meet them through the internet and not really in real life. Well, I know some of you meet each other at the TCM Film Festival but, unfortunately, I never had the chance to attend it. However, I did meet Lara from Backlots when I was in San Francisco and Michaela from Love Letters To Old Hollywood when I was in Prague. It was pretty cool. Wouldn’t it be nice to do a big get-together one of these days? 😀

2- Finally write about what you like the way you want to


Because Facebook is limited, there isn’t anything better than blogging to share your love of films. While I am studying films and have to write about them at school, there’s always a ton of restrictions that make the process never completely amusing. But, on the blogging platform, you are free! Free to write what you want, the way you want to. The worst you can get from it is a nasty comment or a spam, but you are freeee to delete them too! 🙂 Blogging is all about fun.

3- You discover movies and make people discover some too

Well, I guess at one point discovering a new movie can be like “discovering” a new colour haha!

That’s what I really like about writing and reading: it’s an occasion for you to finally spread the word about a not too well-known film but that you think people should discover. As an example, I have this review of Give Us the Moon. I’m kind of a missionary for that film!

4- Blogathons

3 Ingrid Bergman 4
And don’t forget to subscribe to my Ingrid Bergman Blogathon!

I love them because they are the perfect way to discover blogs and increase the popularity of your own. I think, without them, I would probably still just have 20 followers and I’m sure I’m not the only one! 😉 Blogathons are also a way to have ideas on what to write about. It creates material on your blog, which is always a good thing.

5- Good surprises:


This is in relation to point #2 of the five things I hate. While it is always disappointing when nobody reads a text that you work hard on, I always find it amusing and touching when many appreciate an article that I thought wasn’t that extraordinary. Well, it is, of course, my pleasure if you liked it! As an example, I share this review of My Man Godfrey. I really don’t think it was that good, but I guess many disagreed. 🙂


I’ll be curious to know your opinion about that and what are the things YOU love and hate about movie blogging! You can share them in the comments section or simply create a new post like I did. Of course, if you do so, please share the link with me in the comments section of this post!

See you! 🙂

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24 thoughts on “10 Things I Love and Hate About Movie Blogging

  1. Hi Virginie, I really “get it.”
    I have to agree with you on everything you said. Even, the blog I spent the less time on got the most likes LOL I am glad You shared your thoughts because you summarized it all for me too, the good, bad & ugly LOL
    Happy 4th 🗽🎉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to write a blog in your second language. I could barely write papers for my French classes, let alone a whole blog!

    I totally sympathize regarding blogathon hosts who don’t read your work or posts that don’t get any love. On an average post, I spend at least 8 hours watching the movie, taking notes, taking screenshots, putting it all together, and doing a final edit. It kinda hurts when you feel like no one appreciates it. One of my most popular posts is a reminder about my Vincente Minnelli blogathon last year. Another popular one is when I accepted a blog award. I can’t even explain it.

    It’s cool that we were able to meet! And in Prague of all places!

    Liked by 1 person

    • And you know what? We were in Prague EXACTLY at that time of the year last year! 🙂 Well, about the language, Canada has two official languages: English and French so, even if Quebec is the French province, many write and talk English too. 🙂 I mean, it is probably easier for me to write in English than it is for you to write in French. 8 hours! Wow! I never really calculated how much time I spend on an article. I guess it depends!


      • It seems crazy that it was just last year — feels like forever ago!

        I never really noticed how many hours either until I had to put my blog down as part of my writing experience for a job application. Blog writing can get pretty intense, haha!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes to 1,2,3, and 5 on the hate list! And unfortunately I’m guilty of not commenting on everyone’s entry for my Carole Lombard Blogathon. I was going through a bit of a slump and kept forgetting and now it’s been so long it just feels awkward. And I forget a lot to comment on my host’s post. I always thank them for hosting though. I’m trying to do better, even to the point of commenting on ones from last year.

    It would almost be nicer to have Blogathons announced one week in advance instead of two months. Then you could sign up and immediately start on your post while you’re excited.

    I can’t even imagine writing a post in another language, especially for non-English writers as it’s rules are so crazy.

    Thanks for this post!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Don’t feel bad about not reading all the Carole Lombard’s entry, that really was not my intention! 😉 As I’ve said I rarely encountered hosts that didn’t read the blogathon posts and believe me I was not thinking of you when I wrote that! 🙂 I think the main reason why people announce their blogathons so much in advance is to have “priority” over other blogathons. You know when you invite someone to participate to your blogathon, but he or she can’t because he/she has already subsribed for a blogathon on the same date and doesn’t have time for another. But I agree people might be much more motivated if they had to immediately start working on it.


  4. I can sympathise with the feeling that no-one reads your posts. I seem to get single figure views despite hundred of blog followers and social media promotion with maybe one or two likes if I am lucky, while everyone else gets a dozen or more likes complete with comments too! :/

    As for plot synopsis, I think it is important that you tell people what the film is about otherwise they won’t know what your are referring to – context is everything. Blow by blow details of the plot is a no-no otherwise there is nothing left for the reader to see if they are intrigued by your review to watch the film themselves.

    I hate reviews that just wax lyrical with pretentious prose without mentioning the plot once. Imagine if someone just came up to you and starting talking about something with no introduction or lead in to his dissertation? You’d be confused right? Treat your writing like you would a conversation and you have them onside from the onset!

    Keep up the good work! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Cosign to everything here. I would also add people correcting typos. I don’t mind something big like I got a character’s name wrong, but when it’s something like an apostrophe in the wrong place, that just drives me nuts.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Such a great post! I cannot agree more with you about blogathons. Now, I am addicted to them, and also think they are a great way to discover other bloggers who are interested in the same stuff as you.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. My least favorite thing about blogging is that when I write a post in my head it’s complete in like ten minutes, but when I actually sit down to type it up it takes hours!! Oh and all the editing takes forever. Adding media (pictures, videos) gives people a visual for what we are writing about but I’m so slow at it, especially if those images need to be re-sized or sources cited. But I do love “meeting” new people and sharing the things I love with others!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I agree with many things. Summarizing is OK for me, and I always try not to give spoilers. Blogathons are now everything my blog relies on – I don’t know where I’d be without them! And there are many good and weird surprises along the way – like when you write a post quickly, without inspiration, and receives a lot of good feedback. And, of course, meeting new nice people who like the same movies as you is priceless.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Dear Virginie,

    I know just what you mean! I imagine every writer can relate to this. Congratulations on writing so well in your second language! You do much better than a lot of native English-speakers I know. I read your under-acknowledged article. It’s lovely.

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I agree with everything you said. I am often late commenting on articles that people submit into my blogathons, but that’s because I was flooded with assignments. Otherwise, I do comment on the entries, even if I’m really late. I just apologize for being so late.

    As for those bloggers who spoil the movie by delving into the whole film, I don’t think that’s necessary. I always give a brief synopsis. I prefer to talk about the background history of a film. Unfortunately, there are so many bloggers around who just writes the whole plot in great detail and don’t provide any other information.

    Now, the thing that you have mentioned and what I dislike the most is when I receive very little comments. I spend hours writing blog articles. I watch the film first, and then I spend hours or a few days on an article. Once I complete the actual writing process, I start editing and adding photos. I’m always excited to finally publish my article, but then disappointment starts to set in when I receive little comments. I share my post on Facebook in the hopes of garnering a response, but I still get very little. It hurts and upsets me big time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for your comment Crystal! Yes, even if you don’t read the article right away I know you will eventually! I indeed don’t like it either when someone just tells the whole story of a film without adding any other information or interesting analysis. If I want to know the whole story of a film I will just… watch it, you know! But if the person gives us informations, opinions, etc while telling us the story from A to Z, that’s better. I must admit however I might not read the end of the article and try to forget the spoilers I might have read if I have never seen the film before.

      I discovered fb is not the best place to have feedback on article. People on fb prefer to check 10 posts/minute instead of taking 10 minutes to just read one lol. Just look at my Wonderful World of Cinema FB pages. I share photos that get over 200 likes, which is nice, but the first mission of this page is to promote my blog and the articles. However, when I share an article, I rarely get over 50 likes. Of course it has improved a lot with the years and that’s nice. But out of these 50 likes not many people comment so I don’t know if they actually read the article or if they just liked the post because they like the film introduced by the article. But sometimes I have good surprises, like this article on Ageism and Classic Films. I shared it on fb like I usually do and I don’t think I ever got that much feedback from fb users.


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